Community Living Waiver
The Community Living Waiver supports individuals with an intellectual disability, autism or developmental disability to live more independently in their homes and communities through the provision of a variety of services that promote community living, employment, communication, self-direction, choice and control.
Eligibility criteria:
- The following diagnosis and age requirements apply:
- Individuals of any age with an intellectual disability (ID) or autism.
- Children with a developmental disability under age 9 with a high probability of resulting in an ID or autism diagnosis.
- Children under age 22 with a developmental disability due to a medically complex condition.
- Level of Care
- Medical Evaluation
- Diagnosis of an intellectual disability, autism, or developmental disability
- Recommended for an intermediate care facility (ICF) level of care based on a medical evaluation
- Determined eligible for Medical Assistance (MA) in Pennsylvania
- Meet the financial requirements as determined by your local County Assistance Office
- Individual cost limit of $85,000 per person per fiscal year (Supports Coordination is excluded from this limit)
Services that can be provided by Traditional Pediatric & Adult Skilled Home Care include:
• Assistive technology
• Behavior support
• Companion
• Home accessibility adaptations
• Home and community habilitation (unlicensed)
• Homemaker/chore
• Nursing
• Respite
• Specialized supplies
• Therapy (physical, occupational, behavioral and speech/language)
• Transportation
Note: The list of eligibility criteria and services may change when waiver amendments or waiver renewals are approved by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). Please, visit the Department of Public Welfare’s website for a current list of all services provided through this waiver.